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Our Services

Archaeological Assessments

The archaeological fieldwork process followed by consultant archaeologists in Ontario has four stages. The stages are not necessarily distinct and may be combined in various manners depending on the requirements of the archaeological assessment. Not all stages will be necessary for all projects. The purpose of the first three stages are:

  • To identify archaeological sites that are present within the lands that are part of the development project (Stages 1 and 2);

  • To assess the degree of cultural heritage value or interest of identified archaeological sites (Stages 3); and

  • To recommend the most appropriate strategies for those archaeological sites where it has been determined that Stage 4 mitigation of impacts will be necessary.

In the fourth stage, the consultant archaeologist carries out the recommended mitigation strategies. (excavation or protection and avoidance.

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Heritage Impact Assessments

We specialize in the planning aspects of heritage assessments- what needs be done to obtain approvals for new developments- be it a plan of subdivision, Brownfield site remediation, or park planning.


We partner with specialists such as conservation and landscape architects, to form project teams that better service the needs of our clients.

1825 Chewitt Historical Map

Archaeological and Cultural Planning

Whether it be an archaeological or cultural resouce management plan for a municipality or conservation authority; or, an archaeological potential model for a larger region, PHC provides exceptional and innovative services that goes above an beyond the standard plans and models.


If interested in these services, please contact us to discuss the options available to produce robust yet precise plans and models

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Archaeological Predictive model - Rainy River

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Pre-Assessments and Peer Reviews

Not sure if you need an archaeological assessment or heritage impact assessment? 


Uncertain of your responsibilities?


Not sure if you need to complete more work?


Look no further than PHC.  We offer the following services to help you understand what is required, when it is required and what to expect.

Expert Witness and Policy Services

PHC Group provides various expertise in archaeology and cultural heritage topics in Ontario and beyond.


Addtionally, PHC provides services to assist you in sucessful consultation and engagement obligations with Indigenous communites.


Not sure if you need to consult or engage with an Indigenous community? Not sure which First Nation, Metis or Inuit commuity to contact? We can help.

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